Septic Cleaning

Septic Cleaning

To ensure your septic tank and septic system work properly, you should have your tank cleaned and inspected every two to three years – depending on the size of your family and the age of the septic system.

As waste builds up in the bottom of your septic tank it can form “sludge.” This sludge needs to be taken out of your tank to ensure you do not have a back up, which can turn into a major repair or replacement of your septic tank.

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Signs you need to schedule a septic cleaning:

  • You have slow draining toilets.
  • You can smell the odor of sewage in and around your home and yard.
  • You see or feel muddy or soft spots in your lawn near your tank and leaching field.
  • You can see sewage being dispelled into your lawn.

Remember, the cost of bi-annual checkups and cleanings of your septic tank are much more affordable than needing to replace your septic tank altogether.

MetroWest Septic provides quick and easy septic cleaning services that are non-intrusive and stress free to you and your family. When you contact us to a request a cleaning, you’ll speak

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